Ten tourist places in Bankura District, West Bengal

Ten tourist places in Bankura District, West Bengal

Lets visit Bankura district which is n administrative unit in the Indian state of West Bengal. It is part of Medinipur division—one of the five administrative divisions of West Bengal. Bankura district is surrounded by Purba Bardhaman district and Paschim Bardhaman district in the north, Purulia district in the west, Jhargram district and Paschim Medinipur district in the south, and some part of Hooghly district in the east. Top ten tourist places in Bankura district are given below

  1. Joypur Jungle

It is on the way to Bishnupur from Arambagh/ Tarakeshwar. Nice place. A treat to the eye after some congested towns of Chatra and Kotulpur. Must visit the Deypara Damodar Mandir and Duttapara Temple near the jungle to see the old terracotta temples.Joypur_Jungle_Road

  1. Susunia Hills

It is a very beautiful place in Bankura… we stayed in a small village nearby for two days. we went this hilly place in a day trip. it was spring, so all the area just cover with palash phul. The view from hilltop was fabulous, you can easily forgot your daily life stress in lap of mother nature. we surely again visit this place.SUSU.jpg

  1. Biharinath Hills

Biharinath Hills can be reached from Asansol, Raniganj as well as Garpanchokot and Baranti. You can spend one night at Biharinath Ecotourism of WBFSDA. It is very nice place to spend 2 or 3 days.Biharinath_Hills

  1. Kalachand Temple

Used to be one of the best terracotta temple at Bishnupur. But now the works are in a decaying state and needs proper restoration. Location- Very near to Bishnupur Tourist lodge and Dalmadal Cannon.KALA

  1. Radha Madhab Temple

Near to Kalachand temple. The terracotta works on the wall of the temple is greatly damaged. Needs proper maintenance.RADHA

  1. Patpur Temple

It is very popular temple, everyday many people come here for puja,you got place for eat nearby.you also get lunch free here.PAT

  1. Madan Gopal Temple

This temple is a ‘live’ temple meaning, there are rituals held daily and puja is offered daily to the presiding deities. This is in sharp contrast to most other temples of temple town Bishnupur. This is located just opposite to Mrinmoyee temple. A small arch like doorway leads to this temple on the inside. The deities are Mahaprabhu and his followers along with an unique Lord Jagannath figure in all-black !MADN

  1. Rankeni Mata Temple

The temple was worth-watching, especially the scenic beauty around the temple, the chirping of birds and apes.RAKHE.jpg

  1. Hadal-Narayanpur

It is very old temple. Architecture is simple but design is very good here. I love it. Natural beauty is awesome.HADAL.jpg

  1. Gum Garh Execution Site

This structure falls on the way to/from Shyam Rai temple. It is a featureless rectangular building with creepers and grass growing all over & around it because ASI has not started restoring it (yet). Our guide told us that it was used as an execution chamber by the Malla kings by leaving people to die inside the doorless & windowless building, but I am not too sure – probably just a local legend. It’s an eerie feeling going around it and the non-maintenance adds to grimness.GUMGARH

(Source: http://www.tripadvisor.in & Wikipedia)

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